Reclaim OR time from

The Reclaim module collects block time that would otherwise go unused in three ways:

  • Machine learning identifies future block time likely to go unfilled.
  • Centralized vacation management improves collection of vacation time.
  • Advanced mandatory release enhances your OR scheduling tools' release capabilities with customized release schedules and automated communications.

Predicting Unused Block Time

Machine Learning to the rescue


Using machine learning, past booking patterns are used to predict block utilization for future dates. When block time is projected to go unused, the system "nudges" block holders and/or their designees via email or SMS text to release time early. The module makes sure that all parties including your facility scheduling team are then made aware of the release, ensuring accurate records and communication.

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The Reclaim module's vacation management system reminds block holders and/or their designees monthly to record upcoming out-of-office time for all blocks throughout your system. Facilities typically maintain this through an extremely manual spreadsheet-based process. The Reclaim module automates this process and ensures that block time is never again lost because a block holder forgot to alert the facility of an upcoming vacation.

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Your OR scheduling system likely has mandatory/automatic release capabilities that allow block time to be released at a specified number of days prior to the procedure date. The Reclaim module extends this capability by allowing site-specific logic to be automatically applied to this release process (more lenient rules for ASCs, for example), allowing different rules to be applied for high utilizers or emergency-related procedure releases. Furthermore, all communication related to mandatory releases is automated and formalized.

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